Leh to Hundar Trek

Leh to Hundar Trek

Best Time:

13 Nights - 14 Days

Price on Request

Leh to Hundar Trek


Day 1 Arrival Delhi international air port

meet our staff and transfer to domestic airport after 3 hrs fly to leh O/N Hotel

Day 2 Arrival Leah air port meet our staff and transfer to Hotel full day acclimatize O/N Hotel

Day 3 Half day acclimatize and after lunch visit surrounding Leh town visit shanty Stupa , Sankar monastery , Leh  Palace O/N Hotel

Day 4 Monastery excursion

After breakfast drive and visit Shey monastery and castle,  theksey monastery, Hemis monastery back to Leh O/N Hotel

Day 5 Morning drive Leh to gyamtsa ½ hrs and start trek to Muru dok 

From gyamtsa gradually ascent to Gyamtsa la from the pass easy down to the Phyang river cross the river easy to Camp at Muru dok

Day 6 Muru dok to Sarathang via Lasarmola 

From the camp first 2hrs gradually ascent rocky trials after one hrs steep climbing zigzag trials to pass from the pass very nice view of Stok Kangri peaks and descnt one hrs over the glacier and snow end of the glacier one hrs to camp very beautiful camp

Day 7 Sarathang to Hundar dok 

From the camp easy down over the pasture land mani kinds of flowers and herbal plants.  You can meet with the sheep, goat, Yaks sheep huts end the day you can see fields and village after cross the wooden bridge and camp in between the field, evening meet with people of Hundar dok they us to live hole the years.

Day 8 Hundar dok to Hundar village 

Easy one hrs then enter into the gorge easy descent some time deep gorge and narrow trials end of the day inter a small canyon then cross the bridge reach at Hundar camp near the Monastery.

Day 9  Hundar to Disket 

After breakfast visit Hundar monastery, and trek walk through sandy way bushes and fields, if you like to ride camels you can hear from the village for two hrs to ride camp in between the village, evening visit Disket monastery and village.

Day 10 Disket to Sumur 

After breakfast drive to Sumur fix the camp visit Samstanling monastery back to camp. After lunch drive to panamik visit Hot spring and village back to camp.

Day 12 Sumur to Leh 

After breakfast drive to Leh  drive over would highest road all the way drive down to Leh transfer to Hotel.      

Day 13 Leh to Delhi

After transfer to airport and fly to Delhi meet our staff and transfer to Hotel after lunch visit old Delhi O/N Hotel

Day 14 Excursion Delhi

After breakfast visit Delhi 

After dinner transfer to international airport and fly

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